Gait Abnormalities

Gait refers to the walking pattern your child uses, including the speed and length of steps. There is considerable variation of what is considered a normal pattern, and what is expected to be seen changes as your child’s bones and muscles grow, develop, and mature. The development of the gait cycle is described below:

  • Toddlers walk with a much broader base of support, with a high step and flat foot strike observed. Their legs have more of a bow legged appearance due to an increased turning out of the lower leg. This usually resolves around 18 months.

  • Out-toeing can be seen from around the time a child starts walking until around 3 years of age.

  • In-toeing often associated with knock-knees can been seen from around the ages of 3 to 7

If an abnormal pattern persists past these stated times it may be a good idea to get your child evaluated, especially if: these changes are progressive; there is pain associated with the gait abnormality; or, it is causing functional limitations in their daily routine  


Developmental Delay


Genetic Syndromes